Charcoal Briquettes (BBQ from wood)

Charcoal briquettes for BBQ, commonly referred to as BBQ briquettes, are a popular fuel source used in outdoor grilling and barbecuing. They are made by compressing carbonized wood or charcoal fines with a binder material to form uniform briquettes. Here is some information about charcoal briquettes for BBQ made from wood:

Production Process:

  1. Carbonization: Wood is heated in a low-oxygen environment to remove moisture and volatile compounds, leaving behind carbon-rich char.
  2. Pulverization: The carbonized wood is crushed into fine particles or powder.
  3. Mixing: The charcoal fines are mixed with a binder substance, such as starch, sawdust, or clay, to help hold the briquettes together during compression.
  4. Compression: The mixture is compacted under high pressure using machines or manual presses to form the characteristic pillow-shaped briquettes.
  5. Drying: The newly formed briquettes are dried to reduce their moisture content, making them easier to ignite.

Characteristics and Benefits:

  1. High Heat Output: Charcoal briquettes have a higher energy density compared to traditional lump charcoal, providing a more prolonged and consistent heat during grilling.
  2. Long Burning Time: Due to their density, BBQ briquettes burn slowly and can maintain a steady temperature over an extended period, allowing for longer cooking sessions.
  3. Uniform Shape and Size: The standardized shape and size of charcoal briquettes offer convenient and predictable heat distribution, ideal for even cooking.
  4. Low Ash Production: Compared to some other types of charcoal, BBQ briquettes tend to produce less ash residue, reducing cleanup after grilling.

Availability and Affordability: Charcoal briquettes are widely available, making them easily accessible and typically more affordable than some alternative fuel sources.

Goods Specification:

Charcoal made from wood chip: Acacia tree, wood, sawdust,..

Calorific: >5.500Kcal/kg

Carbon Fix: > 65.00% (As requested)

Packing: Packing by Jumbo bag.