Natural Charcoal

Natural charcoal, also known as biochar or vegetal charcoal, is a type of charcoal produced from organic materials through pyrolysis, a process of heating biomass in the absence of oxygen. It has been used for various purposes throughout history and continues to gain attention due to its potential benefits for both environmental and agricultural applications.


Natural charcoal is produced by heating organic materials such as wood, crop residues, or agricultural waste in a controlled environment with limited oxygen. This process, called pyrolysis, breaks down the organic matter into solid carbonaceous material and volatile gases. The volatile gases can be captured and utilized as an energy source, while the solid residue left behind is the natural charcoal.

Environmental Benefits:

  1. Carbon Sequestration: Natural charcoal has the ability to store carbon for long periods, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It stabilizes carbon in the soil, helping mitigate climate change.
  2. Soil Enhancement: When added to soil, natural charcoal improves its structure, water retention, and nutrient-holding capacity. It can enhance soil fertility and reduce nutrient leaching, leading to improved plant growth.
  3. Water Quality Improvement: Natural charcoal has the potential to filter and remove impurities from water, improving its quality and reducing pollutants.

Agricultural Applications:

  1. Soil Amendment: Adding natural charcoal to agricultural fields can enhance soil fertility, increase microbial activity, and improve nutrient cycling. It aids in retaining nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, making them available to plants over an extended period.
  2. Horticulture and Gardening: Natural charcoal can be used as a growing medium or as a component in potting mixes. Its porous structure helps retain moisture and nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth.
  3. Livestock Feed Additive: In animal husbandry, natural charcoal can be mixed with animal feed. It may help alleviate digestive issues, reduce odors, and potentially absorb toxins, promoting the overall well-being of livestock.

Other Uses:

  1. Fuel Source: Natural charcoal can be used as a renewable and sustainable fuel for heating, cooking, or electricity generation.
  2. Filtration and Purification: Its porous structure makes natural charcoal useful in air and water filtration systems, helping to remove impurities and odors.

It is important to note that the specific properties and benefits of natural charcoal may vary depending on the production process, biomass source, and application. Further research and proper understanding are crucial before implementing its use in various settings.

Goods Specification:

Charcoal is made from wood chips: Acacia tree, rubber tree, coffee tree, coconut shells, rice husk,..

Size of green coal: <60mm

Calorific: 6.000-6.500 Kcal/kg

Carbon Fix: > 80%

Packing: Packing by Jumbo bag.